Our province is on a journey to become more inclusive and equitable. Under the Dismantling Racism and Hate Act, government and public bodies have to develop plans to address systemic hate, inequity, and racism. This will be done by looking through policies and procedures that could have an effect of disadvantaging underrepresented and underserved groups. The Act also prescribed public sector bodies through regulations to require them to develop plans to address systemic hate, inequity, and racism.

We need YOUR help! No one knows our communities better than the people who live and work in them. We ask that you please take some time to fill out our community engagement survey (link below). We need your valuable insights, perspectives, and ideas that can enrich and strengthen our action plans.

The Municipality of Digby Community Engagement Survey

If you are unable to access the survey online please contact our Executive Assistant, Taylor Robinson (902-245-4777), to discuss alternative options.

The deadline to complete the survey is January 31, 2025 at 5:00pm.