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council of the Municipaliy of the District of Digby

Welcome to the official website for the Municipality of the District of Digby. On behalf of the Municipal Council, staff and the residents of our area, we would like to thank you for your visit. We encourage you to explore our pages and links to discover what this unique area has to offer.

Located on the Bay of Fundy with the highest tides in the world, provides us with a spectacular variety of shoreline from steep cliffs to sandy beaches. From those shorelines exists the opportunity to view all types of marine life including shorebirds, whales and seals. Several active fishing villages are scattered throughout the district and the residents are always pleased to welcome you and answer any questions you might have.

The fishery is and has been the main industry over the years. Lobster, scallop and groundfish are the main species fished at this time. Other important industries in the area include forestry, farming, the fur industry and tourism. We want to maintain and improve those industries, as well as, encourage new ones which are suitable to this area and our way of life.

Although we offer a rural setting, we are only 2 - 3 hours via 100 series highway to the City of Halifax and its International Airport. That same amount of time on the Princess of Acadia ferry will put you in Saint John, New Brunswick, one of the oldest cities in North America. Make sure you check out the web page on our own small airport owned and operated by the Municipality.

Whether you are looking for a place to visit, do business, reside or retire we think you will discover that this area has so much to offer. Thank you for taking a virtual tour of our community, and we invite you to visit in person to see for yourself that we have the best a coastal rural community has to offer; a peaceful, dynamic community that is truly the Pearl of the Fundy.

Municipal Council

Municipality of the District of Digby
P.O. Box 429 Digby, N.S. B0V 1A0
Phone: (902) 245-4777
Fax: (902) 245-5748