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council of the Municipaliy of the District of Digby

Over 70% of Western Region residents, which includes Digby, have a certificate, diploma or degree. The percentage of persons with a College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma is slightly higher than the Nova Scotia average.

CharacteristicsWestern RegionWestern Region (%)Nova Scotia (%)
Total population 25 to 64 years 27,203 100.0 523,574
No certificate, diploma or degree 7,249 26.6 14.3
High school certificate or equivalent 5,446 20.0 21.7
Postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree 14,508 53.3 64.1
Apprenticeship or trades certificate or
3,566 13.1 12.9
College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma 7,113 26.1 23.1
University certificate or diploma below bachelor level 820 3.0 4.0
University certificate or degree 3,009 11.1 24.0
Bachelor's degree 1,850 6.8 15.5
University certificate or diploma above bachelor level 1,160 4.3 8.6

Source: Western REN from Human Resources and Skills Development, Canada's Labour Market Information Services (2016).