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council of the Municipaliy of the District of Digby

  • The Municipality is responsible for collecting, transporting, processing, composting and disposing of municipal solid waste and recyclables, as well as household hazardous waste. Our region is required by law to sort their waste into three streams (Waste Check - Separation Guide)
  • The collection and transport of waste is handled by a contractor hired by the Municipality of Digby, Digby Salvage
  • Processing of our residential garbage (clear bags) is done at the transfer station and then trucked to the Queens Solid Waste Management Facility. Our blue bags are also processed at the transfer station and then trucked to Scotia Recycling in Kentville.
  • Construction and debris material is defined as waste wood, metals, asphalt shingles and other construction materials that can be disposed of at the Digby Salvage Construction and Demolition site.
  • Our compost is collected and trucked to the Town of Yarmouth compost facility.

What should you know as a resident of the Municipality of Digby?

  • Residential waste is collected curbside on a scheduled day, every second week. Organic waste (green carts) are collected on alternating weeks, every 2 weeks.
  • You can personally deliver up to 200 kg of waste directly to the transfer station at no cost. Residential waste and residential recyclables are accepted and can be conveniently and safely dropped off at a public drop-off
  • Residential hazardous materials such as corrosive cleaners and solvents, house & garden pesticides and herbicides, etc. should to be dropped off at the Transfer Station for proper disposal
  • Electronic waste (computers, tvs etc) is not accepted at the transfer station and can be dropped off at the Enviro Depot location at Conway Workshop, at the end of Shreve Street. (Electronics Approved EPRA Drop Off Centres)
  • Waste Check & Resource Recovery Fund Board (Divert NS) provides education regarding solid waste management. You can visit their website at Waste Check