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council of the Municipaliy of the District of Digby

The Digby Municipal Airport is an important economic asset to the Municipality. Adopted in 2009 the Airport Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law have been adopted to regulate and promote the development of the airport. The Strategy and By-law complement a strategic business plan for the airport prepared by the Municipal and the Town of Digby in 2006.

The Strategy and By-law provide for ongoing airport operations as well as aviation-oriented commercial, industrial and residential uses. The By-law establishes a variety of zones, with regulations relating to lot sizes, building locations, location of different land uses and the regulation of building heights. A municipal Development Permit is required for all uses within the plan area.

See the maps below of the zoned areas around the airport where permits are required.

For more information on the zoning area at the Municipal Airport contact Planing Development Officer, Chris Millier at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..