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council of the Municipaliy of the District of Digby

Total - Occupied private dwellings by structural type of dwelling - 100% data 3265 401990
Single-detached house 2990 263470
Apartment in a building that has five or more storeys 0 21350
Other attached dwelling 185 102300
Semi-detached house 25 20465
Row house 30 10215
Apartment or flat in a duplex 45 12435
Apartment in a building that has fewer than five storeys 80 58405
Other single-attached house 5 780
Movable dwelling 85 14870
Total - Private households by household size 100% data 3265 401990
1 person 975 118670
2 persons 1405 156825
3 persons 455 60250
4 persons 290 44970
5 or more persons 145 21275
Number of persons in private households 7095 908340
Average household size 2.2 2.3

Source: Statistics Canada, Census Profile 2016

Dwelling Characteristics, 2015

CharacteristicsWestern RegionNova Scotia
Total number of occupied private dwellings 23,143 417,374
Average number of rooms per dwelling 6.74 6.57
Owned 18,404 294,416
Rented 4,648 120,329
Average value of dwelling $262,724 $345,767

Source: Western REN from Manifold Data Mining Inc. Superdemographics (2016)