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council of the Municipaliy of the District of Digby

The Municipality of the District of Digby takes pride in being a green, clean, active, secure, accessible and healthy place to live, work and visit. To sustain these objectives we offer a comprehensive structure of municipal services. To get information on our resources, utilities, schedules and policies; visit here.

The responsibilities of the Public Works Maintenance staff are many and varied.

  • To provide facility maintenance, upgrading and repair of support services of all Municipally owned properties.
  • This would include the waste water systems maintained by the Municipality. Provides the maintenance to the grounds of the Municipal airport and the Municipal building.
  • To provide all primary maintenance for the runway and buildings at the Municipal airport and also for all Municipally owned infrastructures.
  • The Public Works Maintenance staff is also responsible to assist with any community or Heritage related events.
  • Waste Water Treatment

Barry Faulkner: Public Works Foreman
Adrien LeBlanc: Public Works Labourer