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council of the Municipaliy of the District of Digby

ZoningThe Conway area, Highway 303 between Highway 101 and the Digby Town boundary, is the primary commercial and service centre within the Municipality. The area transitions from the Warwick/Victoria Street intersection in the Town to a highway commercial district that contains small and large-scale retail, commercial service, personal service and light industrial uses. The plan area also includes a portion of Hwy. 217 in Seabrook as well as the Robinson Weir Road area.

Adopted in 2003 and updated in early 2014 the Conway Area Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law regulates development in the Conway area. The Strategy and By-law identify residential and commercially zoned area and promote responsible and efficient development through various land use control regulations. Minimum lot area, lot frontage, building setback and land use controls have been put in place. Regulations also include signage control and a variety of provisions for matters such as accessory buildings and on-site parking requirements. A Municipal Development Permit is required for all development within the plan area.

A permit is required for developments in the Conway Zone area.
Contact Development Officer Chris Millier for permit forms and to answer any questions regarding development in the Conway area.