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council of the Municipaliy of the District of Digby

Our built heritage is one of the most tangible reminders of our past. The Municipal Council understands the importance these buildings have on the fabric of the community. This is one of the reasons why we have a special committee specifically dedicated to the preservation of our registered built heritage.

The Heritage Advisory Committee makes recommendations to the council in regard to heritage designations and substantial alterations to registered properties. The committee consists of seven members, two councillors and five citizen representatives. The chairperson of the committee is Andrena Teed. The citizen representatives are Michael Carty, Allan Puxley, Terry Dawn, Alison Vasalo and Councillors George Manzer and Angela Thurber. Each citizen representative is asked to sit on the committee for a two-year term. The committee meets as needed or by the council's request.

In 1998 the Municipality conducted an inventory of potential heritage properties in the District. The inventory identified approximately 500 properties. This historical document is important to all citizens in the Municipality. It is a record of the life history of communities, from their early development to the present. The Inventory was the first heritage property inventory to be collected in a digital format in the Province.

These properties can be viewed at Heritage Hub.  Council encourages residents to explore their heritage and celebrate this special place we call home.