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council of the Municipaliy of the District of Digby

Proper Civic Number Placement

Civic number placement

Emergency services can't help you if they can't find you. Without properly posted civic numbers to guide them, emergency responders may have difficulty locating the site of a 911 emergency. Civic numbers are relatively inexpensive and extremely effective.

Posting of all civic address signs by property owners is mandatory within the Municipality of the County of Digby. If your civic sign is absent, and we erect a sign for you as part of the bylaw enforcement program, it will be more expensive. That expense will be added to your next tax bill.

Some Tips For Posting Your Civic Sign:

Signs should be visible from the street during night or day (unobscured and within 2-6m of the street works best)

Numbers should be posted at least 1.2m (48") above the ground.

Civic numbers should be posted on the same side of the road that the property is located (preferably at the driveway, or access point on the property).

The sign should be blue with reflective white numerals (numbers 2" tall minimum). The number should be on both sides of the sign, facing traffic driving from either direction. For more information download pdf Civic Addressing Bylaw (231 KB) .

To purchase a civic number sign call Digby Fire Department:

Main: (902) 245-4958
Cell: (902) 247-0137
Fax: (902) 245-6148
Digby Neck Fire Department:  (902) 245-2651

For further information contact Building Inspector Cathy Barr at 902 245-2756 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..