The 2025 Digby Art Bank Acquisition is now requesting submissions and is pleased to announce a call out to artists and artisans of the Digby area to submit original works for purchase.
* Artists can submit up to three pieces for jury selection.
* The value of each piece of art cannot exceed $2500.
Deadline for submissions is January 31, 2025.
Please go to the Municipality of Digby website: and look under the Digby Art Bank posting for submission forms and brochure. You can email:
and request submission documents or contact Robert Hersey at 902-245-4757 if you have any further questions.

Please see submiision and supporting documents below.

pdf Digby Art Bank Acquisition Brochure 2025 (286 KB)

image Digby Art Bank Acquisition call for Submissions (66 KB)

pdf Digby Art Bank Acquisition Submission Form 2025 (49 KB)