Folder Digby Area Recreation Committee
The members of the Municipal Council appointed to the Digby Area Recreation Committee are:
- Linda Gregory, Warden
- Matthew Ross, Deputy Warden
The citizen member appointed by the Municipal Council is:
- Yuki Inoue
The Digby Area Recreation Committee (DARC) is the municipal entity responsible for recreational and leisure services for the residents of both Town of Digby and the Municipality of Digby.
The committee is composed of Councillors, staff, and community representatives from each municipal unit.
DARC provides leadership and assistance through local, provincial, or federal programs or providing leadership and resources to help them achieve their goals.
DARC oversees the management of:
- Digby Area Arena
- Digby Swimming Pool
- Digby Curling Centre
- Don Brown Memorial Ball Field
- Vaughn VanTassell Memorial Playground
- Victoria Street Skate Park
- Digby & Area Community Garden
- Assists with the maintenance of the soccer fields of both Digby Elementary School and Digby Regional High School
The committee is responsible for providing direction and to receive recommendations from the staff that are relative to the recreational programs, facilities, services, and activities.
The Digby Area Recreation Committee meets on a monthly basis.