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council of the Municipaliy of the District of Digby

Folder Planning Advisory Committee

The members of the Municipal Council appointed to the Planning Advisory Committee are:

  • Matthew Ross, Deputy Warden
  • Peter Scherer, Councillor
  • Joan Ross, Councillor

The citizen members appointed by the Municipal Council are:

  • Andrew Theriault
  • Irwin Gaudett
  • Position to be filled March 2025

The mandate of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) is to provide advice and recommendations to Council in the preparation, amendment, or revision of planning strategies, land-use-by-laws, zonings, subdivision by-laws, and land-use matters generally. These are documents that outline Council's vision for where, when and how the municipality will grow and develop, while the by-laws identify and enforce that vision.

The PAC consists of three Councillors, three citizen members, and staff. The committee meets on a quarterly basis or more, if needed.

To view the Municipality of Digby's Land-Use By-Law & Municipal Planning Strategy, please visit here