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council of the Municipaliy of the District of Digby

Folder Regional Emergency Management Advisory Committee

The members of the Municipal Council appointed to the Regional Emergency Management Advisory Committee are:

  • Linda Gregory, Warden
  • Matthew Ross, Deputy Warden

The Nova Scotia Emergency Management Act (PDF) states that responsibility for the health and welfare of the public rests with the elected officials of a municipal government. Every municipality must be prepared within its own capabilities to meet any threat that may arise from emergencies or disasters. Given the close geographical proximity and the ability to increase the efficiency of resources, a Regional Emergency Response Agreement was signed creating a Regional Emergency Management Organization (REMO).

REMO assesses emergencies through an “all-hazard approach” of prevention & mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. A Regional Emergency Response Plan has been developed to guide actions and decisions during an emergency response whether the event involves a single municipal unit, a number of municipal units, or all municipal units.

The Regional Emergency Management Advisory Committee consists of the REMO Coordinator, the Mayor/Warden, one elected official from each unit, and staff. This group advises their Councils on REMO activities and functions within the Emergency Coordination Centre (ECC) and approves emergency response plans.

The Committee meets on a quarterly basis.