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council of the Municipaliy of the District of Digby

Folder Senior Safety Committee

The members of the Municipal Council appointed to the Senior Safety Committee are:

  • Matthew Ross, Deputy Warden
  • George Manzer, Councillor

The citizen member appointed by the Municipal Council is:

  • Megan Stark

For Seniors' Safety program information, please contact our coordinator, Dawn Thomas, at (902) 308-0544 or by e-mail at The Municipality of Digby believes that seniors are an integral part of our community, entitled to live in dignity and security, free of exploitation and abuse.  The goal of the Senior Safety Program is to educate seniors on crime prevention, health and wellness, and to promote safe and independent living.


  • Personal Safety and Home Security
  • Provide connections to community agencies and Health Care options
  • Public events and presentations on various topics of interest to seniors
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Fraud Prevention and Online Safety
  • Senior Abuse Prevention
  • Dementia Education and Caregiver Support
  • Safe Senior Driving
  • Power of Attorney Misuse & Theft
  • Participation is FREE, NO age restrictions
  • Brought to your home at your convenience
  • Tailored to your needs and concerns

The Senior Safety Committee consists of the Senior Safety Coordinator, staff, two elected officials and one citizen member from both the Town and Municipality. The committee oversees the program and communicates information regarding senior safety to Council and the community and meets on a monthly basis.